The Plan

A new culture of inclusive democracy, crafting a new common sense, delivering the solutions we need.

We are upgrading our democracy to a system that works for everyone, replacing the broken operating system of politics-as-usual. The end point is a permanent House of Citizens and a new constitution of sortition-based citizens assemblies, setting in motion a new democracy culture around the country.

From health to the economy, housing and the environment, things are going badly wrong in Britain, and beyond. Many feel powerless to make a difference, but we can’t keep depending on corrupt, self-serving politicians to fix things. The way to change things is to come together and organise our own way out of this. 

Humanity Project are supporting grassroots Popular Assemblies, or ‘Pops’, up and down the country – to come together, shake things up, and get things done. These are like Peoples Assemblies but with an emphasis on breaking down barriers and division, ensuring diversity and inclusion, and securing outcomes.

Communities everywhere are already crafting these new ways of getting things done. Assemblies of all sizes are coming up with fresh ideas and organising ways to bring them to reality. This alternative to the current broken political system is not only happening already, but a better way of making decisions.

These local Popular Assemblies will feed into Britain’s Popular Assembly in spring 2024. This will be a first step towards building a permanent House of Citizens. The House of Citizens will be made up of ordinary informed citizens managing how we govern ourselves, and hold power to account for the people.

If power doesn’t listen to us, we’ll take action and do the work that needs doing. We will pressure governments at all levels to hear us, and organise our own responses to the common crises that we are facing.

Power is pointless if it does not serve our community